Questions dog the South Korea pact about whether it will fully open the Korean market to beef and autos from the U. 韩国也是问题缠身,例如它是否能对美国完全开放本国牛肉和汽车市场。
Very much like to have strength, far-sighted manufacturers and myself to open up the market in Henan Province. 非常希望有实力,有远见的厂家与我共同开拓河南市场。
The goal of the new American merchandise center is to open the Chinese market to companies that do not have the resources of the multinationals. 新标霸美国馆的目标,是为那些不具备跨国公司实力的企业打开中国市场。
Leader also understood it is hard to open the abroad market and let me do inside job. 公司也看出外贸业务的确难开展,便让我做内勤工作。
Now, Russian policymakers perform daily prayers just to be able to open the stock market for regular business. 现在,俄罗斯政策制定者们每天都在祷告,仅仅是为了能让股市正常开盘。
Would you consider increasing discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours? 这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们是不是考虑多给一些折扣?
For another hand, we can perfect financial mechanism of indirect financing bank, expand the range of the business, create the new financing product, and offer the chance to open the new market space. 另一方面我们要进一步完善间接融资银行融资机制拓展业务范围,创造新的融资产品为开拓市场空间提供机会。
Nonetheless, the authorities have been sounding out local and international banks and leading asset managers on the best way to open the market up further while retaining some control over capital flows. 尽管如此,沙特官方一直在就如何才能最好地开放市场、同时又对资本流动保持某些控制,试探本地和国际银行及资产管理公司的意见。
Open the market of China film and TVculture. 打开中国影视文化市场。
Open securities investment funds is a new theory perspective, which is a key step for China to open the security market. 外放型证券投资基金理论在中国还是一种全新的理论,是我国证券市场对外开放的关键一步。
In order to open the market further, our company expect to communicate and cooperate more with domestic and foreign corporations. 为进一步拓展市场,公司期待着与国内外企业开展更加广泛的交流与合作。
Why not discount aggressively, to break open the market? 为什么不推出咄咄逼人的折扣来打开市场呢?
Economic background& basic thought to open the silver market 中国开放白银市场的经济背景及基本思路
How to open the market of electronics for seniors? 如何打开老年电子产品市场?
So attention should be drawn to several aspects while we open the financial market. 为此,我国在对外开放金融市场的同时应注意几个方面的问题。
The rules open the Chinese market to locally incorporated units of foreign banks. 该条例向在中国注册的外资银行子银行开放了中国市场。
In the process of the reform, the central bank may first open the monetary market interest rate, then the loan interest rate and finally the savings interest rate. 在改革的过程当中,中央银行可能先开放货币市场利率,接着贷款利率,最后存款利率。
We hope our recognized achievements and advanced technologies will lead us to open the demanding market of Surface Finishing in China. 我们希望能将有关先进环保技术引入中国,以满足国内各行各业的迅速发展和全方位需要。
More and more people start to run their ship supply company now by the fast developing of economy and completed open of the market in2006 after our joining in WTO in China. 伴随前中国经济的快速发展和加入WTO后中国市场的全面开放,涉足这个行业的人越来越多。
It has important significance for China to implement necessary safeguard policies and open the market gradually after WTO entrance. 这对我国加入了世界贸易组织承诺逐步开放市场的同时实施必要的保护政策具有重要的借鉴意义。
We shall enhance the adjustment capability of domestic enterprises, further open the market and rationally analyze foreign exchange reserve so that RMB's exchange rate can maintain stability in the short term. 应提高国内企业调整力,进一步开放市场并理性分析外汇储备,在短期内保持人民币汇率稳定。
With the WTO principles, China has to open the market in all respects one by one, this implies the amalgamation of domestic market and overseas market. 我国入世后,必须按市场准入原则向世贸组织成员国逐步开放国内市场,这意味着国内市场和国际市场的融合。
Its implementation will help open the market, eliminate the trade barriers, and make possible the free movement of goods. 同时,国际穷竭原则的适用也有利于市场的开放、贸易壁垒的消除、货物的自由流动。
For the legal service is exclusive, we should open the market progressively by way of negotiations after China's entering the WTO. It is of significance in practice to research problems about the market access, including the present conditions, limitation and scope. 法律服务业属于专业服务,中国加入WTO后,应采取谈判方式逐步开放法律服务市场,因此研究法律服务业如何贯彻市场准入原则,以及市场准入的现状、限度和范围,具有重要的现实意义。
Three to strengthen personal marketing of bank business, open the market outlet quickly; 三是要加强个人银行业务的营销,快速打开市场渠道;
Enhance intermediary service, 7. Open the market for foreign investment. 进一步完善和发展中介服务机构;7.有步骤地开放予外资参与,逐步实现与国际资本市场接轨。
Lengthen the industrial chain link; open the market gate through the science force promotion; carry on the deep level development to the tourism resources and that realize of tourism resources 'sustaining development. 作者认为,树立科学的旅游资源整合观、延长旅游产业链、通过科学促销打开市场之门、对旅游资源进行深层次开发和实现旅游资源的可持续发展是合理开发与整合南阳旅游资源的基本对策。
When the regional governments respond the state policies to open the market of quasi-public utilities one after another, they are puzzled from the price-control of the product and service which is the most key problem in public-private partnership. 各地政府在纷纷响应国家政策号召开放准市政公共行业市场的时候,对民营化最关键、最核心的问题&产品与服务的定价问题倍感困惑。
Meanwhile, it will have a significant and realistic meaning in China, which has promised to open the market of government procurement when its entering into the WTO. 同时,它对于在入世时承诺于2020年将放开政府采购市场的我国,必将具有重大的理论和现实意义。
To open the market of the land for rural construction and promote the highly effective allocation of land resources; 开放农村建设用地市场,促进土地资源高效配置;